Saidul Islam Towhid, BBA, MBA, MAT (DU), ITP
- B.B.A, M.B.A Major in Finance & Banking, MAT at University of Dhaka
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at STRA
& Senior Consultant (Finance, Tax & VAT) - Suite:701(A1), 6th Floor, Century Center, Kha-225, Bir Uttam Rafiqul Islam Avenue (Old: Progati Sarani) Merul Badda, Gulshan, Dhaka-1212.
Details about Mr. Saidul Islam Towhid:
Saidul Islam Towhid is working in this field since 2012. Mr. Saidul Islam gathered diversified knowledge and experience inter alia on Accounting, Taxation, Financial Management, Auditing, Administration, Company Affairs, Feasibility Study, Cost and Management Accounting etc. Having a proven track record for a decade in service in this ground and Group of Companies with multi-faceted activities. During his professional service, he as well completed B.B.A (Hon’s) major in Finance & Banking & M.B.A major in Finance & Banking under National University of Bangladesh & also he as well completed Masters of Accountancy in Taxation (MAT) Under Dhaka University (DU).
Presently he can study on Operation Level (Level-3) The Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Bangladesh – ICMAB & Knowledge Level The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh – ICAB and L.L.B (Pass Course) under National University.
Mr. Saidul Islam started his professional career in early January 2012 with a group of young, hardworking, dynamic and committed people, having strong expertise in the line. He has a sound understanding about the present local as well as global economic and corporate situations and their trends for the coming century, which leads him to establish a multi-disciplinary service organization.
Professional and academic qualification:
- CA Article ship completed under article ship of Mr. Nazrul Islam FCA, Senior partner of M/s. M.N. ISLAM & Co. Chartered Accountants, [Under The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh (ICAB)] Dhaka. Course length: 3 Years.
- Advance Certificate for Management Professional (ACMP-4.0) - IBA-DU
- Operation Level- ICMAB.
- Income Tax Practitioner (ITP) under National Board of Revenue (NBR).
- Masters of Accountancy in Taxation (MAT) under University of Dhaka (DU).
- M.B.A (Major in Finance & Banking) under National University.
- B.B.A (Major In Finance & Banking) under National University.
Dealing worked field are as follows:
- Desk consultancy for foreign investment and local investment
- Maintaining Tally, Quick Book & Xero, etc.
- Preparation & Finalization of Financial Statements and report thereon to the Board of the Directors of various companies
- Computation of total income & tax liability, preparation of various schedules and Income Tax Return of various companies and various Individual Income Tax Assesses
- To prepare bank reconciliation statement of various companies
- Analysis of Financial Statement and report thereon to the Board of Directors of various companies
- Preparation & Finalization of EOI, Project Profile & Executive summary of various companies as they require
- Computation of total income & tax liability, preparation of various schedules and Income Tax Return of various companies, Various firm and various Individual Income Tax Assesses;
- Conduct in house training on accounts, finance, Income Tax, VAT, company ACT, audit and other local laws & regulation
- Preparation & Submission Monthly VAT Return of Various Company; and report thereon to the Board of Directors
- Maintaining VAT Accounting, various VAT book and VAT Forms for Various company
- Conducting Appeal Hearing of Income Tax Appeal Matter for Various company;
- Conducting Tribunal Hering of Income Tax Tribunal Matter for Various company
- Conducting Appeal Hearing of VAT Appeal Matter Matter for Various company
- Conducting Tribunal Hearing of VAT Tribunal Matter for Various company
- Dealing Commercial Documents of various companies
- Drafting and finalizing required documents and papers in relation to formation of a company
- Drafting notice and minutes of Board meeting, EGM and AGM
- Maintaining of statutory records
- Co-ordination and arranging all types of meeting including sending notice and preparation of working papers etc
- Company incorporation
- Registration of Partnership , Society, Foundation, Trust, Association, Trade organization
- Enhancement of Paid up Capital & Authorized Capital
- Changes in Directorship and restructuring of board of directors
- Change the name of the company
- Change provisions of the object clause
- Remove a director from office
- Remove auditor before expiry of term
- Share Transfer and Transmission of the company of the company
- Change of Registered office
- Dealing various Govt. authority for taken various companies License & Permission such as City Corporation, BIDA, NBR, RJSC, Bangladesh Bank, Rajuk and other local authority
- Conversion Private to Public limited company and vice versa
- Preparation and submission of Annual Return
- Inquiry report on RJSCB records
- Time extension of Annual General Meeting (AGM)
- Appointment of Auditors
- Change of Auditors
- Filing of statutory Report
- Secretarial Audit
- Statutory resolution drafting & Statutory registers introduction
- Listing of Dhaka stock exchange (DSE) or Chittagong stock exchange (CSE)
- Initial Public offer (IPO) & Private placement of IPO
- Issue of shares at a premium & discount
- Right share issue
- Drafting shareholder’s agreement & joint venture agreement;
- Drafting of different kinds of agreement i.e. MOU, Lease, Vendor’s agreement, sale/purchase agreement
- Introducing policy i.e. leave policy, HR policy, Cash policy etc.
- Permission from SEC for capital rises up
- Share value denomination & Share valuation
- Statutory resolution drafting
- Statutory registers introduction
- Introduction of PF, GF, WPPF
- Acting as company secretary on behalf of the any company
- Legal compliances of both Public and Private Ltd. Company
- Giving opinion on Labor Act, 2006
- Assisting with RJSCB and BSEC for having documents records with them
- Commercial Documents of various companies
- Dealing expatriate service-related work (work Permit, e-visa etc.);
- Merger of the company
Previous Working Experience:
Key Chem (Pvt.) Ltd. (KCPL)
Senior Manager (Finance & Accounts)
July 2016-January, 2017
Manager (Taxation Service)
January 2016- June 2016.
Assistant Manager
July 2015- December 2015.
Senior Executive
January 2015- June 2015.
July 2014- December 2014.
Eliash & Associates
Executive Trainee
July 2013- June 2014.
January 2012- June 2013.
Principle Job Responsibility:
- Supervision of Daily works of Accounts Department & giving instructions to facilitate smooth functioning of the Department.
- Preparation of monthly, quarterly financial plans & follow up implementation process of such plan.
- Preparation of Annual Budget for all Companies of the Group separately & submit quarterly evaluation report to the management
- Preparation of Debt Management plan for all Companies of the Group.
- Preparation of annual financial statements with analysis and report thereon to the Board of Directors.
- Dealt with taxation matters of the whole group.
- Looking after the overall Administration and Human Resource management.
- Supervision of the jobs related to the departments of Finance & Accounts, Commercial Audit and Investment of various company
- Dealt with Taxation (Both Income Tax and VAT) matters of the Company.
- Ensure smooth fund management.
- Ensure strong MIS and Internal Control system.
100% Foreign or Multinational Companies and Organizations
iS Inflextionpoint (BD) Ltd. (from Singapore);
Altruist Technologies Ltd (from India);
- Omron Health care Bangladesh Ltd. (from Japan)
- Amina Corporation Ltd. (Joint Venture with Japan & Bangladesh)
Cobra Installations Service’s S.A (from India);
KEC (from India)
Shyki Bangladesh Ltd (from India);
KT Bangladesh Ltd (from Japan);
ITC of Bangladesh Co. Ltd (from Japan);
Kurobo International Ltd (from Japan);
Screenline Embellishers (Bangladesh) Ltd (from Srilanka)
The Export Research Garments Operations (BD.) Limited- texprego(from Dubai)
HK New Fortune International Ltd. (from Yamani)
Earth Sourcing Ltd.(from Dubai)
- Tokyo Consulting Firm Ltd. (from Japan)
Mushai Bangladesh Japan Limited (from Japan).
Ashahi Automobile Ltd. (from Japan)
Black n Green Limited (from India)
Alliance Tex Trade Pvt. Ltd (from Pakistan)
Fizan Traders Pvt. Ltd (from Pakistan)
JEBC Ltd (from Japan).
Crabexo Ltd. (from Japan).
Japan Fine Food Ltd. (from Japan).
Japan Fast Trade Ltd.
Local Companies and Organizations
- Oasis Hi-Tech Sportswear Ltd. (Comilla EPZ);
- Oasis Sportswear Ltd. (Comilla EPZ);
- Unit -2 Oasis Hi-Tech Sportswear Ltd. (Comilla EPZ);
- Invent Sourcing Ltd.;
- Young Hi-Tech Technical wear Ltd.;
- Ocean & Design (BD) Ltd.;
- Fulpukuria Thread & Accessories Limited;
- Hand Tech Knit Fashion Ltd.
- Dominant Group (Savar Dhaka)
- Mohona Hospital Ltd.;
- Predicare Hospital
- Gazi Satellites Television Ltd. (GTV)
- Zastat Holiday Resort Ltd. (Sylhet)
- Excursion & Resorts Bangladesh Ltd (Grand Sultan Resorts). (Sylhet).
- Merits Technologies Ltd.;
- Nextel Communication Ltd.;
- Gazi Communication;
- Gazi Networking;
- Comilla online;
- Comilla Networking;
- Wali Cable network;
- Geeky Social Limited
- N N Builders Ltd
- Rupanor Housing Ltd.
- First Vision Bangladesh Ltd.
- One solution Pvt. Ltd.
- Exclusive Engineering Ltd
- Modern Structure Ltd
- Built Tex Technologies Ltd.
- Built Tex Engineering Ltd.
- Seven Mares Ltd;
- ATM Holding Limited.
- M.R Solution Limited.
- Euro Tech Engineering & Technology Ltd.
- Jahangir Flower & Food Industries Ltd.
- Meeca Consumer Products Limited.
Dominant Group;
Anneasha Group;
DS Group
- Shining Sun Ltd.
Shirin Sharkar Ltd.;
Moyna Moti Auto Rice Mills Ltd.;
Mars Auto Bricks Ltd.;
Grameen Capital Management Ltd.;
Key Chem (Pvt.) Ltd.;
Dhaka City Cable Network Ltd.;
Eurotech Engineering Limited;
Color Scheme Pvt. Ltd.;
The Export Research Garments Operations (Bd) Limited;
HRH Fashions & Textile Ltd.;
Shapla Steel Tube Ltd.;
SD Tex Promoters Ltd.
Uttara Enterprise;
JMT Express;
Exclusive Builders;
AK textile;
Antic chemical;
HUB Sourcing;
RK Yarn Traders;
J R Trading;
Gomati Computer;
Imperial Sourcing;
Mostafa & Associates;
MIA Trading;
AIM Enterprise;
Antic Point;
Hasib Enterprise;
HR Fashion Tex;
HR Textile;
Meghna Laundry;
Meghna Washing;
MIM Accessories;
PQS Enterprise;
Raaz Tex;
Sky Touch Communication;
World Trade International;
S M Textile.