Secretarial Services and Legal Affairs

Khairun Nahar (LL. B)
Secretarial Services and Legal Affairs
- Suite:701(A1), 6th Floor, Century Center, Kha-225, Bir Uttam Rafiqul Islam Avenue (Old: Progati Sarani) Merul Badda, Gulshan, Dhaka-1212
- +88 01844-630640
About Mrs. Khairun Nahar
Mrs. Khairun Nahar is a professional business lawyer, has expertise on handling legal aspects related to company acts and secretariats, commercial, expatriates and other business process and legal practices prevalence in Bangladesh. She has completed her LL. B from National University, Bangladesh. Apart from that, she has done her Bachelor in Education (B. ED) and Masters in Education (M. ED). She also completed foundation level and now an aspirant of Executive level 01 in Chartered Secretary (CS) program of Institute of Chartered Secretary Bangladesh (ICSB).
Professional and academic qualification:
Executive Level- 1 of CHARTERED SECRETARY
Institute of Chartered Secretary of Bangladesh (ICSB),Dhaka
Bachelor of Laws (L.L.B)
Liberty Law College, National University, Gazipur.
Master of Education (M. ED)
National University, Gazipur, Bangladesh.
Bachelor of Education (B. ED)
National University, Gazipur, Bangladesh.
Dealing worked field are as follow
- Preparation of 18B & 18A requirements for various Liaison Office;
- Preparation & Finalization of EOI, Project Profile & Executive summary of various companies as they require;
- Dealing Commercial Documents of various companies;
- Dealing expatriate service-related work;
- Dealing Secretarial Audit;
- Ensure corporate compliance of Public Limited Company;
- Maintaining of statutory records;
- Drafting of different kinds of agreement i.e., MOU, Lease, Vendor’s agreement, sale/purchase agreement
- Drafting notice and minutes of Board meeting, EGM and AGM;
- Co-ordination and arranging all types of meeting including sending notice and preparation of working papers etc.;
- Company incorporation
- Registration of Partnership
- Registration of Society, Foundation, Trust, Association, Trade organization;
- Enhancement of Paid-up Capital
- Enhancement of Paid-up Capital
- Enhancement of Authorized Capital
- Mortgage and charge creation registration, modification and satisfaction
- Changes in Directorship and restructuring of board of directors
- Change the name of the company & Change of Registered office
- Change provisions of the object clause
- Winding up
- Share Transfer & Share Transmission of the company; and
- Preparation and submission of Annual Return.
Previous Working Experience
Rahman Hasan Associates Ltd.
Senior Manager (Secretarial & Legal Affairs)
From 1st May 2015 to 05 May 2021.
- The Companies Act, 1994; (Amened up to 2020)
- Income Tax Ordinance 1984 and Rules thereon
- Labor Act, 2006;
- Value Added Tax -1991 (VAT Act,1991) & Rules thereon;
- Bangladesh Bank Guideline
- FERA-1947 (Foreign Exchange Regulation Act, 1947)
- Securities & Exchange Commission Ordinance, Act and Rules;
- Import & Export policy;
- Accounting Standard and Auditing Standard; and
- BIDA Guideline.